Creating love from Within
The secret of creating love is to be love. Being is creating. The secret to love is to be the love you wish to see in your life. Use the law of attraction and be loving as much as you possibly can. This will explode your spiritual growth shift the whole paradigm of your life.
If you have ever talked to somebody who lives their life from the paradigm of love and oneness you know what I am talking about. You have heard their words describing their experience of love-based living but you understand, deep within you, that until you actually experience what they are talking about with their words, then you can never really know what the experience is like.
You desire to know this love-based idea of oneness on a personal level and the only way to do that is to experience it. The only way to began creating love is to live it. Immerse yourself in the concepts of love and oneness. Go deep within yourself and retrieve what has been with you all along in this never-ending process of life.
You will marvel at the depth of your abilities while creating love as you dive into the deep parts of yourself, rather than the shallow world outside of yourself. You will tap into reserves of energy that you had believed to be dried up and gone. This newfound energy will open up doors of knowledge for you that had previously been locked shut under the fearful guards of prejudice, worry, doubt, suspicion, and despair.
Open those doors and reveal to yourself what you have known all along. That you are a spirit child of God and your playing small doesn’t serve the world. Creating love is the only way to be ‘love’. And do you know why? Because it feels good. Yes! Creating love feels better than not creating love. There is nothing enlightened about doing everything through love. We were born to create and we were born to love. The 1 secret is that love is already inside you. Reveal to the world what we can continue creating love deep within ourselves. We are beautiful, glorious, fabulous spirits, children of God who have all the powers and abilities of God. We are one with a God who is Love unconditionally. He created us out of love. So that means we are love. Creating love? We are love and that is the secret, that really is no secret.
You can’t go saying things like that when you are experiencing life from the fear-based perspective of separateness. Wait a minute. You can say those things but you wouldn’t believe them unless you knew in your heart, and from your experience, that they were true. When you experience the paradigm of oneness, you know them to be true.
This feeling alone should be enough impetus to move you toward your grand experiment. Come on. You have lived the experience of fear. Isn’t it time to try the experience of love? It isn’t going to make you less strong, but it is going to open yourself up to your sensitivities. It isn’t going to stop you from being employable, but it is going to make your employment seem effortless and meaningful. It isn’t going to make you religious, but it is going to make you more spiritual. It isn’t going to let you win the lottery (unless it does), but it is going to open you up to the abundance you already possess.
It is a win-win experiment. You cannot lose. It is the best lottery you can imagine because you are betting on a sure thing, yourself. There is only one thing holding you back.
Creating love is a matter of choice.
You must choose your path of creating love. Even if you decide not to choose you have still made a choice. So choose wisely because your choice not only affects you, but it affects everybody. We are all one and every choice we make in our lives affects the lives of every other person on this planet and in this universe. That is how powerful you really are.
You see, we not only create individually, as we make our own private decisions concerning living in fear or love, but we also create collectively when our thoughts and words are sent collectively out into the universe.
The words you speak today are powerful messages that are sent out into the universe for use in creating your world. The more words you speak that reflect fear, the more those words bond with similar words of fear. It is the collective law of attraction.
Like attracts like in the giant matrix of creation. Just as similar thoughts gravitate towards each other, so do our words. It is just that our words are much more powerful. They are out there in the realm of the physical. There is nothing private about them, unlike the privacy of our thoughts.
You can think a thought and then pull it back and modify it, or dismiss it, or reject it as not what you choose. Once you speak a word you have put it out for the entire world to hear. Your words create at a higher level and your words combine with the words of others who speak the same thoughts.
These similar words join together to create the world that the words describe. If the collective words are words of fear, then the collective world that is created is one of fear. If the collective words are words of love, then the collective world that is created is one of love.
I have one question, “What serves you better, love or fear?”