Using Universal Laws To Create Quantum Growth In Your Highly-Conscious Business

by Jennifer Longmore Today, I am going to take you on a mini-journey through the universe and support you in embracing your multi-dimensionality. So, before you read on, I invite you to give yourself a moment to center your energy, take a few deep breaths and go into your heart. As a divine being of light-love, … Read moreUsing Universal Laws To Create Quantum Growth In Your Highly-Conscious Business

Universal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

By Carolyn Porter, D.Div.  There are laws that govern the universe and consequently affect your life every single day. Take for instance the Law of Gravity. This law allows you the ability to walk firmly on the ground and not float around aimlessly in space. You know this law because if you drop something it falls … Read moreUniversal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

Universal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

By David Cameron Gikandi  There are two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life. Everything in this universe runs under universal laws that never err even once. … Read moreUniversal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

Is the Inner World Making Up Our Outer World?

By Camillo Loken  In his book – The Divine Matrix – Gregg Braden says: The way we feel within our bodies affects not only us but the world beyond. This relationship between our inner and outer experience appears to be the reason some forms of prayer empower us as they do. Do we then have souls that speak … Read moreIs the Inner World Making Up Our Outer World?

Using Hypnosis To Access Your Higher Self

By Adam Eason Having spent some time out and around the countryside and the coastline recently, I often am led to feel that the time and tranquility I find enables me to access some higher part of myself… The peace of mind gets my creativity flowing and has led me to be moving in a great … Read moreUsing Hypnosis To Access Your Higher Self

10 Universal Laws You Need to Know For Successful Manifestation

By Jennifer Longmore  Recently, there has been a lot of hype about the Law of Attraction. People are writing about it as though it is something new, however, this is not the case. The Law of Attraction and all other universal laws have existed since the beginning of time. The creation of all that is, our … Read more10 Universal Laws You Need to Know For Successful Manifestation

How Are You Being? Attracting Love, Integrity and Authenticity

By Cari Campbell  Are you being and attracting love? Are you being in integrity? Are you being authentic? Do you treat others with integrity and authenticity? What you ARE is what you Attract. Being love allows you to open up to attracting love. Being authentic allows people to love the real you. This sounds a little … Read moreHow Are You Being? Attracting Love, Integrity and Authenticity

The Immense Power of Gratitude in Conscious Manifestation

By Anita Briggs “Gratefulness is heaven itself.” William Blake An “attitude of gratitude” is key in opening the gates of abundance in the body. Why is it so important? For one, gratitude can put you in the vibration of your desires fulfilled. Gratitude brings completion to cycles; when you are grateful ‘in advance’, you are energetically … Read moreThe Immense Power of Gratitude in Conscious Manifestation

Action Steps to Create Abundance

By Christine LeClaire Are You Working For Or Against Yourself? It has been my observation that creating abundance in one’s life is intimately tied to one’s self-esteem. If an individual suffers from low self-esteem, abundance suffers in direct proportion. In other words, abundance may be fleeting; it comes and goes, but is rarely sustainable. While on … Read moreAction Steps to Create Abundance