Using Universal Laws To Create Quantum Growth In Your Highly-Conscious Business

by Jennifer Longmore Today, I am going to take you on a mini-journey through the universe and support you in embracing your multi-dimensionality. So, before you read on, I invite you to give yourself a moment to center your energy, take a few deep breaths and go into your heart. As a divine being of light-love, … Read moreUsing Universal Laws To Create Quantum Growth In Your Highly-Conscious Business

Realizing Self-Awareness By Meeting Your Higher Self For A Better Life

By James Nussbaumer  Are we simply a body with a personality? From my understanding, your higher self is much more than that. Every one of us has a higher consciousness, some tap into it and others do not. In this brief article, I wish to simply ramble a bit about the meaning of meeting your higher self … Read moreRealizing Self-Awareness By Meeting Your Higher Self For A Better Life

Universal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

By Carolyn Porter, D.Div.  There are laws that govern the universe and consequently affect your life every single day. Take for instance the Law of Gravity. This law allows you the ability to walk firmly on the ground and not float around aimlessly in space. You know this law because if you drop something it falls … Read moreUniversal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

Your Higher Self – A Powerful Meditation for Connecting With Your Higher Self

By Christine Hoeflich Some people want to reconnect with and cultivate a palpable relationship with their higher self. Your meditation practice should help you with this goal, but some meditations are more effective at this than others. If your relationship with your higher self isn’t where you want it to be and you’d like to know … Read moreYour Higher Self – A Powerful Meditation for Connecting With Your Higher Self

Universal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

By David Cameron Gikandi  There are two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life. Everything in this universe runs under universal laws that never err even once. … Read moreUniversal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

3 Keys to the Mind Body Spirit Business and Life

by JINGER JARRETT If willpower were the way to change your life, it would be easy. Unfortunately, willpower isn’t enough. If you want to change your life, then you need a plan, and it requires you to start with your belief. To try and separate the mind, body, and spirit in order to enact change in … Read more3 Keys to the Mind Body Spirit Business and Life

If You Are Guided By Your Higher Self, Then Why Are There So Many Difficulties?

By Joel Bruce Wallach  You do have a higher self, and its purpose is to provide a healing, yet instructive cosmic perspective, provided that you are ready and willing to receive it. And you do have many aspects of self that could definitely benefit from higher self-assistance: Your body, your emotions, and your thoughts all express … Read moreIf You Are Guided By Your Higher Self, Then Why Are There So Many Difficulties?

Is the Inner World Making Up Our Outer World?

By Camillo Loken  In his book – The Divine Matrix – Gregg Braden says: The way we feel within our bodies affects not only us but the world beyond. This relationship between our inner and outer experience appears to be the reason some forms of prayer empower us as they do. Do we then have souls that speak … Read moreIs the Inner World Making Up Our Outer World?

Why You Should Love These Spiritual Laws

by Scott Petullo Everyone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited. Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction. Our long-term empirical findings indicate everyone is … Read moreWhy You Should Love These Spiritual Laws