The Higher Self

By Teal Swan Before you are born into this physical experience, you exist in and as the space of being of what is often called “God”. Though it can be said that you have a certain sense of self, it is not a sense of self that imbues a differentiation or separation from anything else in … Read moreThe Higher Self

The Universal Laws

By Alex Barboza  There are certain Universal Laws that rule the world. At least, that’s what they say. I strongly believe in these laws and can tell you that they NEVER fail. There is perfection in these laws and, if you align your life to live accordingly, you will have so much prosperity that will make you feel … Read moreThe Universal Laws

The 12 Universal Laws – Hidden Secrets to a Harmonious Life

By Erene W. We live in a universe governed by universal laws. These Universal Laws are based on the understanding that everything in the universe is based on energy. Our every thought, feeling, word, and an action is also a form of energy. In order to live in harmony in the universe and get what we … Read moreThe 12 Universal Laws – Hidden Secrets to a Harmonious Life

Law of Attraction – How to Attract Love and Wealth

By Anita Wheeler  Two of the most important things in our life are love and wealth. Good health, good friends, good family, good career and good appearance are also extremely important. However, two of the most common complaints people have for feeling stressed, anxious and unhappy, is due to their lack of love or money in … Read moreLaw of Attraction – How to Attract Love and Wealth

Universal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

By Carolyn Porter, D.Div.  There are laws that govern the universe and consequently affect your life every single day. Take for instance the Law of Gravity. This law allows you the ability to walk firmly on the ground and not float around aimlessly in space. You know this law because if you drop something it falls … Read moreUniversal Laws-Understanding How They Affect Your Life

Universal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

By David Cameron Gikandi  There are two very simple questions which, once you get their answers, can change your life dramatically for the better. This is so because these two questions relate to absolutely everything that you experience and create in your life. Everything in this universe runs under universal laws that never err even once. … Read moreUniversal Laws Exposed: What They Are, Why They Are There

Keys for Greatly Improving Your Life

By C. A. Russ If there was one quality that could be viewed as the most important one to focus on and maintain in your life, it would probably be that of Harmony. It is one of the major keys – if not THE major key – on the path to raising your consciousness and reuniting … Read moreKeys for Greatly Improving Your Life

Law of Attraction – Love Tips

By Ben D Anderson The law of attraction’s love principle is the foundation for all manifestation. It is what causes us to desire something in the first place and it is the motivating factor that drives us to success. When we abandon our love, we give up on ourselves, as well as our dreams. The only … Read moreLaw of Attraction – Love Tips

Lost Universal Laws of Attraction

By Mustafa Yucel  The law of attraction has two significant phases: expectation and desire. The expectation is a negative force that is similar to gravity. It pulls your desire toward you. And desire is a positive force that connects with the thing that you really want. Both of these forces have to be used together and … Read moreLost Universal Laws of Attraction

How the Principles of Universal Law Can Bring Abundant Wealth to You

By Gary Wright  In order to recognize your potential for wealth, you must learn to peel away false explanations of power and success. You receive a daily input of high-speed, multi-media advertising and information strategies daily. A staggering amount of these messages are received by your five senses and without additional data can be misleading and … Read moreHow the Principles of Universal Law Can Bring Abundant Wealth to You