Manifest Desires by Tapping the Hidden Power of Your Imagination

By Patrick Jones  An unfailing way to manifest your desires is by tapping into that powerful, life-fulfilling imagination of yours. Why is a powerful imagination so important? So you can design your future in crystal clear detail ahead of time. To manifest most effectively, you must design your own future in vivid detail ahead of time. … Read moreManifest Desires by Tapping the Hidden Power of Your Imagination

Creating Abundance – Phase One in Getting Rich

By Jerry Waxman “For every deed that is done, there is a thought that comes before it.” King Solomon, Ecclesiastes. Creating Abundance – A Thought Experience Think about it; everything you do starts off in your mind. Instants before you move your hand to reach for something, a flash in your brain swiftly says, “I see … Read moreCreating Abundance – Phase One in Getting Rich

How Are You Being? Attracting Love, Integrity and Authenticity

By Cari Campbell  Are you being and attracting love? Are you being in integrity? Are you being authentic? Do you treat others with integrity and authenticity? What you ARE is what you Attract. Being love allows you to open up to attracting love. Being authentic allows people to love the real you. This sounds a little … Read moreHow Are You Being? Attracting Love, Integrity and Authenticity

Gratitude: Principles and Strength

By Dr. Elena Pezzini  Gratitude is a signature strength that can be tested and measured. It is an appreciation of someone else’s character. It is one of the most endorsed strengths around the world. Gratitude shows a strength of character that contributes to life fulfillment and satisfaction. It implies awareness and thankfulness. Gratitude can be built … Read moreGratitude: Principles and Strength

Three Ways to Develop Your Inner Power

By Dr. Mary Beth Ford  You are a powerful creator. The Source of Energy that creates worlds flows through you and all things. Believing is vital. Believe in yourself as a Divine Being in human form. Believe that you already have the creative power within for your sacred journey on Earth. As you develop your inner … Read moreThree Ways to Develop Your Inner Power

The Immense Power of Gratitude in Conscious Manifestation

By Anita Briggs “Gratefulness is heaven itself.” William Blake An “attitude of gratitude” is key in opening the gates of abundance in the body. Why is it so important? For one, gratitude can put you in the vibration of your desires fulfilled. Gratitude brings completion to cycles; when you are grateful ‘in advance’, you are energetically … Read moreThe Immense Power of Gratitude in Conscious Manifestation

Self Realization Secrets – The Inner World of Being

By Andy Ramsay  Humanity is either on the brink of catastrophic annihilation or a whole new paradigm, a New Earth. Never before have we been faced with such seemingly insurmountable odds as we are at present. The complexities of the modern industrial/information era have impacted our planet’s delicate ecosystem to such a degree that we’re seeing … Read moreSelf Realization Secrets – The Inner World of Being