If You Are Guided By Your Higher Self, Then Why Are There So Many Difficulties?

By Joel Bruce Wallach  You do have a higher self, and its purpose is to provide a healing, yet instructive cosmic perspective, provided that you are ready and willing to receive it. And you do have many aspects of self that could definitely benefit from higher self-assistance: Your body, your emotions, and your thoughts all express … Read moreIf You Are Guided By Your Higher Self, Then Why Are There So Many Difficulties?

How to Connect With Your Higher Self

By Susan G Eller  How would you like to have direct access to higher guidance? Well, you can. There is a wise part of you that connects directly to your Source, your Divinity. This part of you is called the Higher Self. The Higher Self is the higher power within you that loves you unconditionally. You … Read moreHow to Connect With Your Higher Self

Emotional Problems: Does Inner Conflict Cause Some People To Suffer In Silence?

By Oliver JR Cooper  If one doesn’t know someone who is going through a tough time emotionally, they may have heard about someone in the media whose inner world is not in a good place. One could even reflect on what they have witnessed over the years and see that this is a common occurrence. Thus, … Read moreEmotional Problems: Does Inner Conflict Cause Some People To Suffer In Silence?