The Universal Laws

By Alex Barboza  There are certain Universal Laws that rule the world. At least, that’s what they say. I strongly believe in these laws and can tell you that they NEVER fail. There is perfection in these laws and, if you align your life to live accordingly, you will have so much prosperity that will make you feel … Read moreThe Universal Laws

Keys for Greatly Improving Your Life

By C. A. Russ If there was one quality that could be viewed as the most important one to focus on and maintain in your life, it would probably be that of Harmony. It is one of the major keys – if not THE major key – on the path to raising your consciousness and reuniting … Read moreKeys for Greatly Improving Your Life

Lost Universal Laws – Law of Compensation

By Mustafa Yucel Some individuals believe that they are given the rights to everything even if they give nothing in return. They believe that the planet is obligated to sustain their needs. On the other hand, there are other individuals who believe that being deprived of earthly goods is good and righteous. They believe that they … Read moreLost Universal Laws – Law of Compensation

Release Your Inner Control Freak

By Constance Chapman  Lately, I have been feeling the need to slow down and reconnect with a spiritual practice that is grounding and calming. To do this, I began implementing new daily practices to support my change. These included reducing my caffeine intake, meditating morning and night, practicing deep breathing and ‘letting go’ when I felt … Read moreRelease Your Inner Control Freak

Use the Universe Laws to Change Your Life

By Felicia Fillmore  Hi! I’m Felicia Fillmore and I want to help you transform your life with the Universe Laws. A number of of us live life thinking that we control our destiny and that all that happens to us in life is a result of all the choices we’ve made. Numerous people like to think … Read moreUse the Universe Laws to Change Your Life

Attract Abundance by Learning to Separate Your Outer World From Your Inner World

By Richard J. O’Neill We exist in 2 worlds simultaneously. That’s right, 2 worlds. One world is the inner world of thoughts and feelings. The other is the outer world of circumstances and matter. Most people live in the outer world and completely neglect the inner world which is by far the more important of the … Read moreAttract Abundance by Learning to Separate Your Outer World From Your Inner World

Three Ways to Develop Your Inner Power

By Dr. Mary Beth Ford  You are a powerful creator. The Source of Energy that creates worlds flows through you and all things. Believing is vital. Believe in yourself as a Divine Being in human form. Believe that you already have the creative power within for your sacred journey on Earth. As you develop your inner … Read moreThree Ways to Develop Your Inner Power

7 Tips to Attract Love Into Your Life

By Pichaya Steinke  Dear Friends, If you are yearning to love and to be loved, here are some tips for you to attract love into your life. 1. Be a magnet of love You attract love by being a magnet of love. Love is what you are. The people you attract are the reflection of who … Read more7 Tips to Attract Love Into Your Life

Higher Self Governs Higher Consciousness

By Patrick Sibraa From Spiritual to Mundane. The Mental Plane, located internally in the Fifth Dimension, is divided into two vital parts; the Higher Self/Mind and the Lower Self/Mind. Between them is the Cosmic Diaphragm, which separates the intuitive from the logic, the spiritual from the mundane. The Higher and Lower Self. Here I refer to … Read moreHigher Self Governs Higher Consciousness

Emotional Problems: Does Inner Conflict Cause Some People To Suffer In Silence?

By Oliver JR Cooper  If one doesn’t know someone who is going through a tough time emotionally, they may have heard about someone in the media whose inner world is not in a good place. One could even reflect on what they have witnessed over the years and see that this is a common occurrence. Thus, … Read moreEmotional Problems: Does Inner Conflict Cause Some People To Suffer In Silence?