Manifest Desires by Tapping the Hidden Power of Your Imagination

By Patrick Jones 

An unfailing way to manifest your desires is by tapping into that powerful, life-fulfilling imagination of yours. Why is a powerful imagination so important? So you can design your future in crystal clear detail ahead of time. To manifest most effectively, you must design your own future in vivid detail ahead of time. If you don’t someone else will.

Your imagination allows you to see your future before time has caught up with it. No other creature on Planet Earth can picture itself in its own future in its own mind. Such a unique and remarkable human ability that is. We really do have the ability to manifest our desires and dreams so far beyond our measure that all we have to do is picture it in its most crystallized form.

Imagine waking up in the morning with the tingling, soothing feeling of freedom. You walk out the front door to get the paper and you notice your dream car in the driveway. Shocked and amazed, you walk over to your dream car, open the door and you notice scattered bundles of money laid out in the passenger seat totaling $50,000.

How real did that feel? Was it crystal clear? Did you actually feel how real the car door handle felt against your palm and fingertips? What about the colors? Be clear as a crystal with your visualizations and manifest with less difficulty.

Humans can easily tap into their own imagination power and bring what they desire into physical reality; not only that, but we can imagine multiple futures for ourselves based on different plans of actions we can follow. To manifest desires, time is no longer a barrier when you tap into the power of vivid imagination. When the mind has a framework and a vision, it expects to realize it. You then bring into play what’s known as the Universal Law of Expectation.

What you expect to happen usually does. Why? Because your subconscious mind will manifest desires by bringing forth whatever you vividly imagine. Think ahead of time to make sure you will be completely comfortable with your goals if you actually achieved them. Think about the future impact it will have on your life, your family, and those close to you.

You have great potential inside of you in the form of energy waiting to be unleashed. Some Yogis refer to this energy as Kundalini, which is responsible for bizarre physical sensations, ecstasy, bliss, and the phenomenal force to manifest desires you vividly imagine. Be creative and outside the box and find tools or aids such as visualization audios or software to assist you in becoming crystal clear. There are plenty of good ones out there.

Manifestations appear in your life at a much faster rate when releasing old, energy-draining beliefs and installing new powerful exploding beliefs. Always remember that whenever you’re trying to bring into reality what you’re intending to manifest, your desires may give birth to new but related desires that fulfill themselves in order for you to physically realize your initial manifestation. Let that soak in for that process is super important.

Never lose sight of the goal and try visualizing the exact same thing every time in crystal clear form and include all the physical senses and colors. Visualizing vividly can take much time and effort which is the root of almost giving up on the process. I’ve had my own battles in the beginning.