By C. A. Russ
If there was one quality that could be viewed as the most important one to focus on and maintain in your life, it would probably be that of Harmony. It is one of the major keys – if not THE major key – on the path to raising your consciousness and reuniting with your Higher/True Self. By maintaining your harmony, you will find your life greatly improving in many ways!
Harmony is a quality of the heart and internal equilibrium
Harmony is an internal quality springing from the heart and not just an external expression. There are some who walk about with smiles of peace but may have internal raging going on, or maybe deeply troubled. Putting on a false front of peace or merely acting as one thinks they should is not the thing.
Our very lives and health depend upon staying in harmony – out of harmony states can lead to illness and eventually, even death. You cannot connect with your Real Self when you are not harmonious. Harmony comes from establishing an internal sense of your own completeness through union with your Higher Self and internal happiness that does not require that you derive your happiness from others.
The Magic Key
As stated in the book “Unveiled Mysteries”, we need to realize how very great is the necessity for harmony. Maintaining harmony in the outer self is the Magic Key that unlocks the door and releases instantly the tremendous inner power of the Higher Self – it is the Keynote, the “One great Law of Life”.
Harmony involves mastery of the emotions
The very first step on the path to reuniting with our Higher Selves is the conscious, willing control of our feelings/emotions. Cosmic Law states that what we think and feel, we bring into form, where our thoughts are, there we are, for we are our consciousness – and what we meditate upon, we become.
When the mind is allowed to dwell too long upon thoughts of hate, condemnation, envy, jealousy, criticism, fear, doubt, etc., it will by the Universal Law of Attraction draw like energy to the person, creating discord, failure, and even disaster in their mind, body, and world. As long as one persists in allowing their attention to be held by such thoughts – whether they be about nations, persons, places, conditions, or things – they are absorbing those energies into the substance of their mind, body, and affairs. In fact, they are compelling – FORCING – them into their experience.
The need to GUARD THE FEELINGS is crucial, for control of the emotions plays the most important part of anything in life in maintaining health in the body, balance in the mind, and success and accomplishment in our affairs and world.
Important Point: Thoughts can never become things until they are clothed with feeling/emotion.
Maintaining Harmony – the moment of decision
Although it may not seem to be the case, there is ALWAYS a moment before reacting inharmoniously or venting anger. That is the trick to maintaining harmony. It is to seize that moment and stop the emotional energy dead in its tracks – before it has time to be expressed. At that moment you can decide to let the anger pass through you or you can decide to seal your lips and your chakras. The chakras are energy centers and the solar plexus chakra is the emotional energy center. That is why we get aching in that area when emotions are disturbed.
Technique to stop reactions
A great technique to help stop reactions from happening is to immediately take a time out when stressful feelings arise. The next step is to shift your focus away from the mind and disturbing emotions, to your heart area. For at least 10 seconds, breathe deeply as though breathing through your heart. Going into the heart helps to reduce stress and shifts your perspective, allowing you to access the deeper source of intuition and power of the Higher Self.
Next, recall a positive, fun time in your life and relive it as fully as possible. Then ask your heart (Higher Self) what would be a more efficient way of dealing with the situation that would help in the future to minimize stress and listen to the answer you receive. Make an effort in the future to deal with stressful situations in this new way.
Many times, reactions are due to old habits/programming and unless they are stopped and examined, they will automatically kick in. So it is important to try to stop them before they arise and establish new ways of dealing with stressful situations.
Harmony and balance
In order for you to experience true harmony, your physical, mental and emotional bodies need to be in balance. If there is a problem in any one of these areas, it won’t matter how hard you try to stay harmonious, it simply won’t happen if there is an underlying cause that needs to be addressed first. Many people have chemical imbalances that can affect their emotions and cause psychological problems. Also, the wrong diet can be very impactful on the emotional and mental bodies. A wheat allergy can produce many symptoms, including anxiety and depression. Refined sugar is also linked to causing a variety of psychological problems. Chemical imbalances may produce rage, anxiety, depression, and other symptoms. So it is important to explore possible dietary reactions or the possibility of having a chemical imbalance if you are continuously experiencing emotional and psychological problems.
The Flame of Harmony Meditation
Visualize the Flame of Harmony as a flame that contains all of the seven rainbow rays/colors. Know that this flame will help you maintain Harmony on all levels of your being. See this flame as multi-colored rays spiraling from a brilliant white-fire core or as a pure white flame (the combination of all the colors). Meditate on this flame and visualize it passing through your entire being – physical, mental, and emotional aspects as well as your chakras and aura. Continue the meditation until you feel completely at peace.
Become the energy of Harmony
Harmony is a quality that can be expressed in all aspects of our lives – in how we approach life, in our thoughts, words, and deeds, in our reactions to others, in the work we do, when we drive our vehicles, and on and on. When we put our focused attention on something, through cosmic law, we become that which we are focusing on. By centering on the quality of Harmony and “exercising” it in all you do, you become the energy of Harmony and more closely aligned with your Higher Self.
1. State a clear intention to be centered in Harmony and to be harmonious in every situation you meet. Reaffirm that intention throughout the day.
2. Keep centered in the Heart as much as possible and focus on peace and harmony.
3. Meditate on the white and rainbow flames of Harmony.
4. Ask your Higher Self to help keep you centered in Harmony throughout the day and to be aware when experiencing disharmony or being inharmonious.
5. Utilize the technique above to stop reactions before they happen.
These are some of the things I have found to be beneficial for me in maintaining the energy of Harmony:
1. Slow down. Be in less of a rush. I tend to be a fast walker and sometimes rush around doing things. I have found that walking and doing things more slowly gives me a sense of calm.
2. Stay centered and focused in the Now.
3. Take several deep breaths at a time throughout the day.
4. Make a list of things you need to do and then do them one at a time with focused attention.
5. Reduce the clutter in your life, including your home. As taught in Feng Shui (the oriental art of “arranging your home for health and happiness”), clutter can block the flow of chi and create disharmony.
6. Take an occasional “time out” to sit and do nothing.
As you practice maintaining your harmony – and strengthen the connection with your Higher/True Self – you will find your life-changing in wonderful ways!
C.A. Russ is a spiritual writer who has a particular interest in helping people reunite with their Higher Self. Check out his book “Peel Away the Layers to Your Real Radiant Self”