Law of Attraction – Love Tips

By Ben D Anderson

The law of attraction’s love principle is the foundation for all manifestation. It is what causes us to desire something in the first place and it is the motivating factor that drives us to success. When we abandon our love, we give up on ourselves, as well as our dreams. The only true path to happiness is traveled on the caring and thoughtful footsteps of that which we love most. This assures the purity of our devotion while simultaneously enabling us the ability to overcome ANY obstacle in our way.

“Love, and you shall be loved”
– Ralph Waldo Emerson

There are many love techniques that work within the law of attraction, and they all have one thing in common, GRATITUDE. There is not one single aspect of a relationship that gets overlooked more than this one. More often than not, the longer people are with someone, the easier it is to take for granted their partner. To make matters worse, the negative things we feel for each other tend to rise to the surface and take over our perception. Lending to the tendency of “forgetting” all of the reasons why we love who we’re with. While this may not be the case in ALL relationships, it certainly is in more than we realize, or care to admit.

Why does this happen? Our focus shifts from what we are most grateful of the person, to what we are most ungrateful for! This can happen in one week or in 50 years, if allowed, and is a result accumulated from a thousand various reasons. The point is this, however, by simply becoming aware of and purposefully directing your focused perception of your partner back onto gratitude you will begin re-igniting the flames which forged your relationship, to begin with!

This expression of love through the law of attraction is as easy as making a list of all of the things you “like” about who you’re with. Make a list of likes and dislikes and when you’re done, throw away the dislikes list! Don’t spend another minute allowing yourself to feel those negative, repelling, emotions. Focus solely on the positive things you love and adore about your companion and that is what will naturally come to light not only in your eyes but in the loving eyes of the person reflecting your adoration back at you.

Many people are searching for a way to “make” someone love them. This is fine so long as you recognize the feelings which are causing your interest in the person. Blind infatuation, even when accompanied by obsessive thought, will not bring the targeted individual any closer to you. There exists no spell or incantation, potion, or “trick” which can cause another to love you any more than you can control how a person chooses to use their emotions. What you CAN do, however, is discover the feelings you are after in your desire and focus your efforts on them instead. This law of attraction, “love tip”, uses the focused power of your emotions to directly attract that which you want most, the person who will best provide you the return of these same feelings!

People often wonder why, when they focus all of their intention and emotion on the feelings associated with the thought of being with the person they want most, someone completely “out of the blue” offers them an opportunity to build a relationship. This is the universal response to your love command through the law of attraction! The “feeling” request you sent was heard and the result was the universal response of the best person who could offer you the chance to receive the same positive feelings you sent! Do not be discouraged because this modern-day miracle did not bring to you the person you “thought” could offer you the happiness you desired. Be grateful, rather, that you’ve been presented the chance to realize the happiness you deserve without the pain of mistake like so many others. For when your attention is on the feelings you desire, you can only manifest that which you want most, even when you aren’t sure what it is!

“Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes

The law of attraction keys to success, for love, is focus and gratitude. It is no coincidence that these concepts form the basis for all manifestation techniques that work. Love is, after all, a synonym for that which we desire and cherish most and this is certainly not limited to relationships in general. Every idea discussed on this web page, in fact, can also be applied to any other facet of desire you are currently focused on. Whether it be to manifest money, a better job, improved health, or a new home, I invite you to re-read this page with the thought of what you want most as the object of your love within the context.

In every phase of human understanding and involvement, it is ultimately the focus of our love which is the determining factor of the desired, or undesired, outcome. The keener our awareness of this principle is, the more we are better equipped to handle the stresses and road-blocks between what separates us all from the unity, peace, and harmony of our amazing potential. Our world is inhabited with billions of individuals capable of producing, appreciating, and enjoying unlimited success, abundance, and happiness. But this must be a choice each of us makes alone, “through” love.

The choice to abandon fear, doubt, worry, anger, jealousy, and all of the other negative impacting thoughts and emotions that fracture and destroy our relationships, is the effect of consciously re-directing our thoughts and feelings onto their opposite counter-part. There is no limit to the heights you can reach with the limitless power of the law of attraction, and love, at work for you. Imagine what a world full of people focused only on what they love most could achieve? Now THAT truly is a thought worth feeling good about!