To Be Happier Remember That Your Outer World Reflects Your Inner World

By Ali Bierman

Want to be happier? Make your inside world happier first. Whatever you think about, in the six inches between your ears, manifests in your world.

To discover what you think about all day long just look at how your outside world looks. Who is in your world? Where do you live? What kind of work do you do? Where do you live? Who are your friends?

If you live with seemingly endless fears about your health and well being what must you create? Certainly not health or well-being. You may not realize you live in that fear so let me show you some ways it shows up for different people.

You likely heard the fact that whatever you resist persists. Whatever you want to avoid or get rid of will magnify your life. Why? Simply because you focus on it. The more energy you give it the bigger it becomes for you. Focus on a small fear and soon you have that same fear in huge proportions.

If you are afraid of germs and constantly need to clean, if you need to clean with powerful dangerous chemicals often that is one way to resist illness. And if you will not go near friends who have a cold or cough, or worse, you fear getting sick. Fear lowers your immune system making you more vulnerable to getting sick.

If you wear a personal air filter and carry your filtering water bottle you fear getting sick from pollution. The same holds true for the food you eat.

I happen to be a health nut and have lived this way for thirty-seven years. What I know is that I do not get sick when I travel and cannot live my usual standards at all times. And I still stay healthy.

Deepak Chopra, M.D. says, “It isn’t what you eat. It is how you feel when you eat it that affects your health.” There too you see the fear of not being well.

To really bring happiness into your life decide how you want to live your life. Choose to live free from fear and watch your world change so fast you will wonder what happened.