Is the Inner World Making Up Our Outer World?

By Camillo Loken 

In his book – The Divine Matrix – Gregg Braden says:

The way we feel within our bodies affects not only us but the world beyond. This relationship between our inner and outer experience appears to be the reason some forms of prayer empower us as they do.

Do we then have souls that speak to us from within acting as the link between the inner world and the outer world? is the inner world the spirit world – the world where all creation started?

Are we all particles of God and is the inner voice God talking?

Braden refers to the original Aramaic texts when looking at our relationship with our Heavenly Father. The text goes like this:

Radiant One: You shine within us, outside us – even darkness shines – when we remember.

This suggests that the Creator is not separate or distant, but rather within us.

The inner world is a world where we are one with the Creator.

In order to believe this – one also needs to acknowledge that there is a higher power – a power greater than us – a power that created it all. That the universe and everything in it did not just happen.

Higher Power

All religions believe in a higher power and in the last decade, people are becoming more spiritual than ever. There is a spiritual awakening going on. Many people believe in an afterlife, in reincarnation, in the Power that created it all – they believe in the inner world.

This Power – this higher intelligence – has many names. Some people refer to it as The One or The Source, The Absolute or The Great One or The Creator or The Supreme Mind or The Force or The Supreme Good or The Father or The Universal Mother or God…

Did this Power create all that we know?

According to the book, A Course in Miracles creation started when God extended Himself to His creations and imbued them with the same loving Will to create. The book goes on to say:

You have not only been fully created but have also been created perfectly. There is no emptiness in you. Because of your likeness to your Creator, you are creative. No child of God can lose this ability because it is inherent in what he is, but he can use it inappropriately by projecting. The inappropriate use of extension or projection occurs when you believe that some emptiness or lack exists in you and that you can fill it with your own ideas instead of truth. This process involves the following steps

First, you believe that what is perfect can be changed by your own mind. Second, you believe that what is perfect can be rendered imperfect or lacking. Third, you believe that you can distort the creations of God, including yourself. Fourth you believe that you can create yourself and that the direction of your own creation is up to you.

The sentence because of your likeness to Your Creator you are creative suggests that we all have the ability to create. To Quote Bob Proctor: We are here to create.

Are we then creating the universe as we go along?

In The Devine Matrix Gregg Braden talks about us being creators of the universe:

A growing body of research suggests that we are more than cosmic latecomers simply passing through a universe that was completed long ago. Experimental evidence is leading to a conclusion that we¥re actually creating the universe as we go and adding to what already exists! In other words, we appear to be the very energy that¥s forms the cosmos, as well as the being who experience what we¥re creating. That is because we are conscious, and consciousness appears to be the same stuff from which the universe is made.

Quantum Physics tells us that everything vibrates – everything is energy and our thoughts are comic waves with potent energy. Hence it would make sense that we are ONE ENERGY – we are all part of a sea filled with energy. Our thoughts then matter since we are part of universal consciousness and by thinking and feeling we are sending out cosmic waves that contribute to creating the universe as we go along. Scientists tell us that the universe is expanding rapidly and no one can understand why. However, if we are part of the creation with our thoughts and feelings in our inner world as Braden and others suggest it all starts to make sense.

Are we all ONE MIND?

If consciousness appears to be the same stuff from which the universe is made and we are all are consciousness then we are particles of one mind – one universal mind.

Course in Miracles also refers to us being part of One Mind.

You think with the Mind of God. Therefore you share your thoughts with Him, as He shares His with you. They are the same thoughts because they are thoughts be the same Mind. To share is to make alike, or to make one. Nor do the thoughts you think with the Mind of God leave your mind, because thoughts do not leave their source. Therefore your thoughts are in the Mind of God as you are.

Under all the senseless thoughts and mad ideas with which you have cluttered up, your mind are the thoughts that you thought with God in the beginning.

They are there in your mind, now, completely unchanged.

It seems Religion and Science are approaching each other. From a scientific viewpoint like Mr. Bradens we see experimental evidence that we are part of One Mind – One Energy – a universal consciousness.

AND from a religious viewpoint, we are told that we are particles of God.

The more research our Quantum Physicists are doing into this field the more they realize that there is a power greater than us – a universal power – a power of pure energy – of pure consciousness.

Is this the power people of different religions refer to as God?

If so God (or whatever name people like to call this power) exists.

Atheists and skeptics would argue that the research done by quantum physics can¥t really be proven. It is all on a theoretical level. Braden and Quantum physicist on the other hand refers to Experimental evidence leading to a conclusion that we all are actually co-creators of the universe and hence part of universal consciousness.

Also, more and more people are reaching a spiritual awakening and experiencing things that can not be explained by our current frame of knowledge – i.e from the perspective of our 5 senses. People report experiences suggesting that there is a higher power – a universal mind behind it all – a power that we all are part of – a power in the inner world.