Everyone has heard about the law of attraction, but there are other spiritual laws about which you should be more excited.
Embracing these spiritual laws will help you get the most out of your life by minimizing negative circumstances and generating peace of mind and satisfaction.
Our long-term empirical findings indicate everyone is bound to specific spiritual laws, just like heavenly bodies are bound to Kepler’s three laws of planetary motion, which outline how they orbit the Sun.
Below we list our favorite spiritual laws.
1. The law of karma dictates that every good intent, thought, and action will return to you, in time. How great is that? Also, any injustice will balance itself out, eventually, so seeking revenge is pointless, and it incurs further karma anyway.
At the same time, this law demands personal responsibility. Thus, if you find yourself on the receiving end of some tough karma, the best approach is to change what you can and accept the rest.
You don’t ever have to worry if life is fair because the law of karma dictates it’s perfectly fair. We believe what goes around comes around, usually in future lifetimes, not this life.
You can “create your reality” to a certain extent but your actions now will have as much or more impact on your future lives. This is related to another law, the law of predestination.
2. The law of predestination (same as destiny, fate, and predetermination) is wonderful because all those rewards you’ve worked so hard for in past incarnations catch up to you eventually, sometimes in this life. At the same time, life’s challenges are also part of personal fate. Perceiving them from a different perspective, as necessary experiences for a higher purpose, makes them easier to digest.
3. The law of reincarnation causes you to keep incarnating until you get it right. How do you get it right? Do your best and react with love and compassion instead of fear, as often as possible. Easier said than done.
The great thing about the law of reincarnation (in conjunction with the law of personal fate) is that you take with you a lot of what you establish while in bodily form: talents, wisdom, health karma, money karma, and so on.
Lofty goals may not be so lofty when viewed from the perspective of multiple lifetimes. Have you always had a burning desire to be a famous actor, for example, but you don’t see it happening in this life? Keep dreaming and using your free will to work toward your goal, even if it’s only doing community theater in your free time. Thoughts are things, and although they may not manifest in this life, they may eventually if backed by enough energy.
4. The law of as above, so below (i.e., celestial phenomena is symbolic of life on Earth) mandates that patterns in comprehensive astrology and numerology charts reflect life circumstances and events. This is one of our favorite spiritual laws because you can use the knowledge to prepare for and limit life’s challenges and maximize life’s rewards.
5. The law of universal order, as with the law of as above so below, shows that the universe is orderly, not chaotic. Heavenly bodies spin and orbit predictably, the seasons change when we expect them to, pumpkin seeds grow pumpkins and not strawberries, and horses birth foals and not lambs. The law of universal order underscores the human experience, allowing for the measurement and interpretation of overall personal fate through comprehensive astrology and numerology.
Ultimately, the above spiritual laws are exciting and inspiring because they indicate that life is so much more than a random series of events. It has an infinite spiritual meaning, and you can take unconditional love, compassion, and lots of other good things with you into the next phase of your soul’s journey.
Copyright © Scott Petullo, Stephen Petullo