By Susan M Cole
Do you want to attract love into your life, once and for all? Are you tired of being lonely? Do you wonder what it takes to bring you the love of your life? Do you wish you could be with Mr. Right, and enjoy a life full of happiness? If you have ever heard of the law of attraction, then you might have heard that you can use it to bring anything you desire to your life. Here is how to attract love by using that law of attraction. It is easier than you think.
Step One: Determine What You Want
Let’s get started. We know you want to attract love, but you need to take it a step further. Decide what kind of man you want and what kind of life you want to have. Now is the time to indulge in a fully-fledged fantasy that involves your life in the future. A very important part of learning how to attract love involves getting the details right.
As you do this, think about what works for you. Think in terms of what you do want, rather than what you don’t. If you have ever studied the law of attraction, then you know how important this is. Don’t skip this step – enjoy it. Work out what you want, and get it firmly planted in your mind.
Step Two: Ask For What You Want
The second step is to put your request out to the Universe, to God, or to whatever form of higher power you believe in. Make a sincere request, from deep within your heart.
Step Three: Believe That Love is Coming Your Way
The next step is to believe that love is headed your way. To make this step work, you’ve got to act as though you know love is already on its way. Make room in your life for love. Take all the steps you would take if you were preparing to meet the love of your life for the first time.
That means you’ve got to look your best, be confident, be happy, and smile even though you may not feel like it.
Additionally, when learning how to attract love, you’ve got to be ready for love to arrive at any minute. You’ve got to leave the door to your heart open, and be prepared for men to approach you. Be friendly and be welcoming. Go to places where there are men. Enjoy the process of interacting with them. You never know who “the one” might be!
Step Four: The Importance of Gratitude and Love
The law of attraction works through gratitude and belief. In order to make it most effective, you’ve got to stop worrying so much about how to attract love. Be happy and grateful for the love of your family and friends. Finally, when that love does arrive, you’ll discover that it’s exactly what you need. And remember, be grateful for it always.