By Jerry Waxman
“For every deed that is done, there is a thought that comes before it.” King Solomon, Ecclesiastes.
Creating Abundance – A Thought Experience
Think about it; everything you do starts off in your mind. Instants before you move your hand to reach for something, a flash in your brain swiftly says, “I see it, I want it, I have it.”
Before you ever go anywhere, you have a picture in your mind that you are already there. The goal is an image that you create. You also create the plan for getting to the goal, whether by walking, driving, or riding a camel. You formulate the complete process in the recesses of your mind before you carry it out in the physical world. So it is with gaining wealth. Creating abundance is an inside job. If today you are penniless, the road to changing your outer experience starts with transforming your inner experience. Get into your head that you are the picture of wealth, with everything you want and the freedom to do anything you want. Imagine that you are already rich, with everything that being rich means to you.
Creating Abundance and Building A Separate Reality
This is only the first phase of getting rich. Do not expect things to magically appear in your hand just because you think of them. That does not happen very often in reality. However, you could make it happen in your inner reality. When you put your imagination to work, you can create a picture of the life you want. Ask yourself questions about your ideal situation: What kind of house do you live in? How do you occupy a day? What kind of work do you do? Do you own a car? What other items do you own? Do you travel? Answer these questions and more according to the picture you have imagined.
As your picture of your ideal life takes shape, add details. How many rooms are in your house? Do you have a garden or a swimming pool? What color is your car, or cars? What kinds of clothes do you wear? Do not hesitate about putting things in your mental pictures. While creating abundance in your mind, you will come to realize that there is no scarcity of ideas. There is no lack of money or lack of means to have whatever you can imagine yourself having.
Create and Live in Abundance.
If your pockets are truly empty, you are bound to enjoy the life of abundance that you create in your mind more than the life you face in your current reality. So stay in your mind as much as you can. It is not a fantasy; it is a reality that you are building in your mind. Experts and law of attraction teachers emphasize the importance of sustaining the vision of your goals as much as possible. By feeling the emotions you would have if you actually had these things in reality, you alter your own state of being. Creating abundance in your mind and sustaining the vision while experiencing the feelings of a wealthy person prepares you for attracting and manifesting actual wealth.
Creating abundance is the first phase in getting rich. You create abundance by forming a vision of your ideal life, with details of what you want your life to look like and feel like. By sustaining this vision and experiencing the emotions you would have if this life were actual, you set the stage for the next two phases of building wealth; attracting abundance and manifesting wealth.