How Are You Being? Attracting Love, Integrity and Authenticity

By Cari Campbell 

Are you being and attracting love? Are you being in integrity? Are you being authentic? Do you treat others with integrity and authenticity? What you ARE is what you Attract. Being love allows you to open up to attracting love. Being authentic allows people to love the real you. This sounds a little esoteric so keep reading for a more practical explanation.

Being in integrity means acting from love instead of fear. It means treating others as you wish to be treated. Be direct with others when necessary- you can be kind and loving and still be direct. Think about it this way- you can be direct and straightforward, or you can be passive-aggressive. Which one is in integrity? Which one is in alignment with your Higher Self? Being direct takes practice. I often see people who, as they begin to use their voice and express their feelings, express themselves with hostility, defensiveness, and aggression. This is normal (I’ve done it!). Being direct with loving intention is something we get to practice, but in the end, situations can heal and evolve. Not saying anything (unless you have honestly let something go and you are not harboring ill will) or taking a backhanded route to the outcome you want doesn’t serve the good of the whole. Being in integrity attracts the same back to you. Are you being and attracting love?

When you come from a place of Oneness, this place where we are all connected, you naturally act with love and integrity. When you see all of creation as a part of you it allows you to stop separating yourself from others and to start treating people with an open heart and respect. Of course, if you have a hard time loving and respecting yourself then you need to start there. The more you love, accept and respect yourself the easier it is to treat others with compassion and respect.

And what does being authentic mean? To me, it means being yourself. It is to stand up for what you believe is right and to risk people being upset with you. It means laughing, having fun, and celebrating the magic that is YOU. It is embracing all aspects of YOU- good and “bad”. (There is no bad, really. We all have a shadow side…the wounded human ego, and it just needs love.) It is to dress how you want to dress without caring what others think. And honestly, it is to stop judging others for being themselves. If you sit in judgment of others then it is a reflection of your own self-judgment.

Stop it. Let it go. Love yourself, and love life and everyone else. Everyone is doing their best. Being love is attracting love. The love you seek is within YOU.

Living in fear of what others think robs you of your freedom. Fear is a prison of your own making, and it creates separation between yourself and this amazing world. Practice dropping your cloak of fear. Imagine yourself instead enveloped in a bubble of bright light. You are a radiant gem, and you should shine! When you accept that you are amazing, and see others as your brothers and sisters (and not people who can hurt you), it becomes easier to live authentically.

Think about what you are serving and honoring at all times… are you serving love, your Higher Self/The Divine, and the good of the whole? Are you serving fear and your ego? Fear always serves your ego, Love always serves the greater good and the Divine.

Stand up tall, and know that you are strong, intelligent, powerful, and greatly loved. Be the light that you are. Simply being light shows others the way without you having to do anything. Be love.

Cari Campbell