We exist in 2 worlds simultaneously. That’s right, 2 worlds. One world is the inner world of thoughts and feelings. The other is the outer world of circumstances and matter. Most people live in the outer world and completely neglect the inner world which is by far the more important of the two. This is so because it is the inner world that is connected to our higher self and receives the guidance which helps us make the right decisions in our lives. Intuition is your higher self nudging and guiding you to the path that will help you to attract abundance into your life. However, if we aren’t tuned in to our higher self, we aren’t ever going to know which path to take and will therefore allow the outer world of circumstances to dictate our lives for us.
Most people live their lives thinking that they have no control over what happens to them. They wait for life to come to them rather than seeking out and finding that which will help them to live a fulfilled life that is full of abundance and joy. The usual way that people use their minds these days, is to first receive some form of event in their outer world, then secondly react to that event and take action. This way of living leads us to nowhere because it is essentially a random existence that we are living. When something good happens in the outer world, we feel great and all is good with the world. Our inner world mirrors the outer world and our mind is temporarily high on the boost of positivity. However, when something bad happens in or around our lives we react negatively and our inner world again mirrors the outer, but this time we feel terrible inside and completely helpless to do anything about it.
This is a way of life for too many of us. Just how did people become so blind to their inner world? To attract abundance and prosperity into your life you first need to be able to connect to your inner world and open the door to your higher self which will enable you to receive the inspirations and intuitional messages that lead to what it is your want in your life.
So how do you go about getting that spiritual door to your higher self opens? Where do you start? Well, a good place to start would be to, first of all, stop reacting to the events taking place in your outer world by changing the way you look at things. If you see something that would normally make you feel a negative emotion such as a homeless person, two people arguing, somebody giving you a dirty look. Just start to understand that these events are not your reality but they are somebody else’s and you don’t need to get involved with their reality. Why would you want to take on their negative vibes? That belongs to them and will dictate their inner world so see it, acknowledge it and then just let it go because you are in control of your own reality and need not focus on anyone else’s.
Remember that the reason your inner world is in turmoil is that you are allowing the outer world to dictate what is going on in there. Start living your life from the inside out as opposed to outside in. Start your day by thinking about what you want to do to improve your life and attract abundance. Think about all the positive things that you could do to raise your spirits and allow you to feel at peace and more importantly open up that door to your higher self. Walk down the street and feel joyful and appreciating all the good you see, which by the way far outweighs the bad, and I promise you that YOUR outer reality will mirror your inner reality and good things will start to be drawn to you. When you are feeling good, think about the things you would like in life and because your spiritual door to your higher self is open, you will receive nudges and intuitive messages from within that when listened to, will lead you to your desires and help you to attract abundance into your reality.