From Spiritual to Mundane.
The Mental Plane, located internally in the Fifth Dimension, is divided into two vital parts; the Higher Self/Mind and the Lower Self/Mind. Between them is the Cosmic Diaphragm, which separates the intuitive from the logic, the spiritual from the mundane.
The Higher and Lower Self.
Here I refer to the Higher Self as a specific functional part of our Total Self. The Eighth Chakra, located just above the head, is the Physical Manifestation of the Higher Self. Our Higher Self brings two extremes together. The Higher Self is the go-between for our Dual Journeys; Spiritual and Earthly. The Lower Self is expressed through our Earthly Journey.
The Lower Self builds the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Lower Mental functions. The Lower Self is influenced by; Inherited Constitution, Evolutionary Forces, and Earthly influences. Together with the; Earthly Forces, Higher and Lower Self, interact to produce the Individual’s Character and Personality.
God reflected in Man.
When the individual master balances and growth of these Higher and Lower aspects, it is able to experience Christ Consciousness; God reflected in Man. The Lower Self is adversely influenced by Earthly desires and Innate weaknesses. When there is a significant difference between the Worldly Lower Self and Spiritual Higher Self, illness is possible.
There are three aspects that God and Man share. Both have; an Essence (Indestructible Mass or Life Essence), Consciousness (Awareness or Quality), and Appearance (Manifestation or Form). Each person’s Spiritual Journey is Lovingly guided by The Creator. When these three aspects are aligned and in harmony, we witness the presence of God on earth. This is what our Higher Self strives to bring forward. When we have this harmony; illness disappears, emotional disturbances subside, the confusion clears and a sense of happiness, fulfillment, and wonder fills the individual’s life. When the Higher Self and Earthly Expression are aligned, the Spiritual Journey is revealed.
Aligning to Higher Consciousness.
Both Higher and Lower Self learn to act and react from repeated incarnations. The individual endeavors to make sense and store in memory, each earthly life experience. The individual innocently picks up Negative Karma. Karma is released by cultivating and processing healthy everyday actions and interactions. The Higher Self guides the development of Appropriate Sensitivity and Relevant Responses. This allows the individual to build healthy, balanced, and vigorous approaches to living.
The Lower Mind often becomes an obstacle to re-balancing and aligning the Whole self. The Radionic Practitioner is of vital assistance in achieving balance and growth. Problems can be inherited and developed during a person’s life. Radionics can assist the; Lower Mind/Mental, Emotional, Etheric and Physical Bodies. Some Therapeutic Treatments are; Spiritual Alignment, Higher Self Attunement, Psychological Clearing, Subtle Body Alignment, Physical Revitalisation, and Physiological Repair and Balance.
We must be made Whole again.
Achieving Higher Consciousness is a step-by-step process. At first, we are only aware of the physical. Then our growth and awareness crossover to the Subtle Energies. This is the Middle Phase of understanding ourselves. Understanding Subtle Energies can take a lifetime, many lifetimes in fact. Building awareness of our Total Body begins where we are now. This progresses from; Physical to Higher Self and ultimately on to The Spiritual Journey. At some stage when you are ready, you will CROSS OVER and begin your Inward Journey. Awakening your True Inner Higher Self is your Destiny, your journey to Higher Consciousness.